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Exploring Muhimmath

Unveil the Legacy: Explore Muhimmath's Founding Principles.

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Innovative Initiatives

Driving Change: Pioneering Creative Solutions.

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Wellness with Muhimmath

Nourishing Holistic Well-being: Mind, Body, Spirit.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Embark on Transformative Journeys: Guided by Compassion.

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Muhimmath School

Education is the best investment we see to uplift our society

Muhimmath, this system was launched realizing the dreams of Seyyid Twahirul Ahdal Thangal so as to extend the helping hands to students hailing from downtrodden areas of the region where the institute situates.

In its pursuit of the elevating the lives of orphan communities, Muhimmath takes up this inevitable cause by founding a sweet home for orphan boys in 1992.


Muhimmath was founded by Sayyid Thwahirul Ahdal with the aim of advancing Islamic education and culture, as well as supporting socio-economic development in the region. Over the years, the organization has grown to become a significant institution in Kasaragod, providing educational opportunities and charitable services to a wide range of beneficiaries.

Mission and Vision

Muhimmath's mission is to promote Islamic education and culture while actively engaging in charitable activities to support the community. The organization envisions a society where education is accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic background, and where compassion and social responsibility are integral values.

Community Impact

Through its educational and charitable initiatives, Muhimmath has made significant contributions to the Kasaragod District. The organization's efforts have helped improve access to education, provide support to vulnerable groups, and address various socio-economic challenges faced by the community.
